Lathitha Kunana
Front-end Developer
Ui/UX Designer
  • Residence:
    South Africa
  • City:
    Cape Town
  • Age:
React Native
React JS
Flutter Flow
  • Bootstrap
  • Chat GPT
  • Netlify
  • Web Flow
  • Wix
  • Wordpress
  • GIT knowledge
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • Mongo DB

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<code> I build </code>
Your Name
Years Experience
Completed Projects
Happy Customers
Honors and Awards

My Services

Frontend Web Development
"I began my journey in frontend web development in 2021, initially working with core web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Over time, I have honed my skills and expanded my expertise to include modern frontend frameworks, with a particular focus on React.js.
UI Design
In 2022, I embarked on my journey into UI design through an intensive bootcamp program at Cotelligence Academy. During this program, I gained valuable hands-on experience using industry-standard design tools such as Figma. Through a combination of comprehensive coursework and practical projects, I acquired a strong foundation in the principles of user interface design.
React Native mobile Developer
At my current position with Younglings Africa, I had the privilege of gaining hands-on experience with React Native, a powerful framework for cross-platform mobile app development. Since my introduction to React Native, I have continuously expanded my proficiency in this technology, enabling me to develop mobile applications efficiently and effectively.


Liyabona Hena
Working with Artur has been a pleasure. Better yet - I alerted them of a minor issue before going to sleep. The issue was fixed the next morning. I couldn't ask for better support. Thank you Lathitha! This is easily a 5 star freelancer.
Uhm uhm uhm as soon as i got what i requested back from Lathitha I was more than exited, He always does an outstanding job with he's designs, 4 stars for him, Highly Recomended!
Yolanda Ngongoma
Im very impressed with what came back to me, I did not expect much since he does not have much experience but I took chance to go for it and man im glad i did because what he did was mind blowing.
Sigcobile Mgijima
I realy enjoy working with lathitha. he understands your vision and brings it to life in a glymps. I highly recomend him to people who are looking to get their designs done in the best way posiible.


Work History

Younglings Africa
UI Designer
Front-end Web Developer
React Native Developer
6 Febuary 2023 - 28 Febuary 2024


As soon as I get work it will be desplayed here.
date - date

Ill describe the work here.

As soon as I get work it will be desplayed here
date - date

Ill describe the work here.

As soon as I get work it will be desplayed here
date - date

Ill describe the work here..


Challenges For Me

blog post
Build a Mobile Game
Challenge 1, Lathitha you have to learn from your friend "Gabuza" about mobile dev then challenge yourself and build a mobile game/app
blog post
Back-end web dev
Lathitha if you want to be the best ever out there, you can not rely on you tube everytime you do some back-end. Challenge yourself by doing the back-end of a sign in/sign up form without any internet help.
blog post
Create a caltulator
It has being already done by one of yoour mates @Codetelligence but can you improve it and ad more functions? Challenge yourself and find out
blog post
Design and Code it
Remeber your design of the wedding planners website? Let us get it done!! The design has so much potential of turning into a full website. Challenge yourself, finish the design and start with the coding.
blog post
Upgrade your skills
Lathitha if you look on your left, you will see that there are some langueges taht needs to be upgraded, Challenge yourself and learn more!!

Contact information

  • Country:
    South Africa
  • City:
    Cape Town
  • Street:
    1 Liguster street
  • Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin:
    @lathitha Kunana
  • Support service:
    +27 (076) 430 26 67
  • Office:
    +27 (066) 250 82 48
  • Personal:
    +27 (067) 928 56 83

Get in touch

Β© 2022 Lathitha Kunana

Lathitha Kunana